Well, OK. So, first, I broke my collarbone. I fell off of a horse during a riding lesson, which is bad enough--but on top of all that, his name was Spanky. Seriously, universe?
The wrath of Spanky.
Then I got to get surgery. I flew home to Atlanta and everything, which was rad because I got to take off school and work, but not rad because I then became entrenched in homework-land. I'm still there, because I have got this fabulous internship at Partners + Napier as an account planning intern, and when I come home, I am TIRED!
SO, very little sewing for now. BUT, i have learned to crochet in the meantime. I've made a skirt from Mary Jane Hall's Crochet That Fits, and wear it all the time. I love it. Crochet was easy for me to do with my arm in a sling, so now I'm obsessed. I am working on a bag currently, and after that...who knows? I'm thinking some pink, fluffy bunny slippers....as if I need those in the summer. :/
So, that's most of the news for now. Let's catch up again soon...I'll show you my latest hook projects, and maybe this crazy jumper dress thing I sort of am making up as I go along. LOL.
Welcome back!