Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's talk about my fear of skirts.

I recently purchased this really great Joel Dewberry fabric from an Etsy seller in two colors...the lime green and the dark pink.

Now, I was in love with this fabric, but honestly had no idea what to do with it. I really wanted to make something utterly cool, but it doesn't seem like this fabric would be all that great all over your body--as in, a full length dress. After a little bit of snooping, I found this skirt over at Bird and Bread:

(img courtesy Bird and Bread)
Isn't it sooooo cute? She did an amazing job sewing it, and I only wish I could replicate the effort. Unfortunately, I have this little problem. Ok, a big problem.

(I look really bad in pencil skirts.)
Even I get how defeatist this is, but it's totally true. I just can't find any styles that accommodate my curvy hips with my small waist. I'm not built like a stick...I can't help that. But, I can totally take a cue from the fabulous blogger above and sew my own, well-fitted skirt.

I looked for a long time. Vogue had a lot of high-waisted options that I really liked, but I finally settled on this pattern from the "project runway" line. It's kind of a tulip skirt sort of shape that I think will go really well.

The link to the pattern review is here.

The one that the reviewer made up looked a little poofy in the hips...but hopefully this will work for me. I've never worn the style, personally. Here goes nothing!

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