Monday, March 22, 2010

In which I become a Level One Quilting Jedi, and bemoan making clothing for others

So, this weekend, I made my first foray into QUILTING. I know, you can barely stand the sheer adventurousness of the whole thing--but seriously, I became a Level One Quilting Jedi this weekend, thanks to the help of Regina over at The Queen Bee's Buzz. Quilting is actually something I enjoy possibly just as much as garment sewing, and this is because (like garments) a quilt is just the final result of a bunch of tiny, puzzle-like pieces. I dug everything about it, from the methodical cutting of squares, to the precise sewing, to the ironing. It was a very huge ordeal for me, however, to get the whole thing laid out, as I tended to get caught up in the layout obsessively from the get-go. Here's the final result, not yet sewn together:
I really can't wait to get a border and a backing on it. I'm thinking a thin black border and then a wider....? one. Any suggestions? 

In other news, I am dying to make myself a spring/summer dress out of this old vintage sheet I've got. It's  perfect fabric for such a thing because it's light, airy, pre-washed, and already broken in. However, I've already promised to make the SO a vest, and my mom and friend a dress. Why oh why can't I just be a selfish seamstress? As soon as I make something, I want to give it away!!!

Lame. Well, on top of everything else, the machine's tension is on the fritz, so I may have to get it looked at. It's not been serviced in fourteen or so years, so I'm thinking it's about time....
Well, I guess that nips my sewing in the bud, at least for a little while. Lame.

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