Saturday, February 6, 2010

In which I complete an apron and make the world's best sandwich!

I love the feeling of finishing a project! Sewing is great for this, because the end result isn't a model car or space ship or something, but actually a piece I can wear and/or use. Today, I finished my Valentine's Day Apron.
(I apologize for the terrible picture. I'm working on a tripod. Really.)

Super simple and actually made by following this tutorial over at One More Moore... Basically, a square of backing fabric + rectangles of fabric for ruffles + fabric for the band = apron.

I had a little issue with my backing fabric, as after hemming it wasn't exactly wide enough to go around my hips. I have come to terms with this, as it's not really a protect your skirt kind of apron, more of a hosting apron...But, I love to dress up, and I don't have any pink aprons for V-Day, so this is perfect. The fabric is one I got off ebay with a radish fabric I love, but because this one is sheer I had no idea what to do with it...until now. The SO calls it "bacon n' pansies" because the little pink squares totally look like bacon. Ok, I'll buy it. 

It's a prototype, but I hope to make more. Some pointers for next time:

1. Check and RECHECK your ruffle rectangle measurements. I don't know if you can see, but I totally made the top 3 rectangles about 6 inches too short. Oops. I just figured they'd layer for some cascading ruffles, and it doesn't look too bad. Hmm.
2. Find a better backing fabric. I just used white for this, and it's not really all that pretty on the other side. I mean, no fabric will be, persay, but I could get one with a little polka dot or something...which is what the tutorial recommends anyway...Oh well...

In passing, I LOVE the fabric i used for the band. It's some sort of linen-look stretch type thing. Who knows what practical apparel applications this thing has, but it sure was nice to iron. 

Well, onto the sandwich. I don't have any real pictures of this, so I will just have to substitute. I made the world's best sandwich yesterday. 
Not even joking. For some reason, I rediscovered Price Rite the other day, which is like this cornucopia of food for really cheap. And, it's usually pretty good food! So I am in the meat section and I get this CRAZY idea. What if I get these really thin slices of beef and tenderize them, and then make a sandwich out of them?
So, I did. I got this meat, and I got some bread, and pickles, and stuff. And a tomato or two, though winter tomatoes are terrible--but it's just not a sandwich for me without a tomato. And here's what I did:

(except with meat.)

Yup, I pounded those suckers with a tenderizing hammer until they were paper thin. Then, I fried them in butter. Oh, horror of horrors! How will I ever live! Oh, stop it. I don't buy this butter is sin crap. Butter is so much better than any of that nasty processed stuff, and used in moderation is a good way to add NATURAL fats to your diet.

But I digress.

I also sprinkled them with paprika and salt, and once they were just barely cooked, drained them in some paper towels and put them between two slices of whole grain crusty bread with mayo, mustard, pickles, and a tomato.


I highly recommend this. Best thing is that I am still eating these sandwiches...unfortunately, the meat gets tough in the fridge, but I guess that's just my consequence.

Of eating butter, I mean.

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