Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog collecting: Part one

Almost as bad as my new fad of pattern collecting is my fad of blog collecting. I have been obsessively adding blog after blog after blog to my Favorites, until it is now officially (within just a few days) longer than my screen is tall. A scroll button has added itself to the bottom of it, and to my dismay I find that I am confused immenselyby what has been updated, what has not...etc. So, if you are into anything I am into, please take a moment to pick my brain (and Favorites) and look through some of these awesome bloggers.  This even has to become a multi-part post because I couldn't possibly marathon the effort needed to write about all of these at once.

(this is but a tiny sample of my Favorites. It's nuts, I know.)

First off, Amy Karol at Angry Chicken is one of my favorites. She has such a candor and ease to her posts that make me feel like a friend, or at least not a stupid sewing or crafting rookie that can't even hope to decipher the "lingo." On top of that, she takes everything with a grain of salt, providing awesome photos, everyone-friendly crafts, and a lovely sense of earth-love and humor. What is earth-love, you ask? Someone who is in touch with this lovely planet we live on, and values it for what it's worth. ;) Amy also runs Tie It On, a blog devoted to giveaways involving apron making according to a certain theme. A longtime lurker, I hope to piece together my first submission for this soon. 

The Queen Bee's Buzz is run by my good friend Regina, a talented quilter and creative genius in her own right. How lucky we are that we don't sit close to each other in the office, otherwise we'd get no work done!!! Her posts are lively and full of great ideas and colors--she has an amazing eye for matching fabrics. Seriously. Her whole family is incredibly creative...and it's so comforting and inviting to read about their adventures together. I highly recommend this blog!!!

Thimble is a wonderful blog to find tutorials and inspiration on. The authoress, (I think her name is Laura), has one of the biggest doses of "good taste" that I've ever seen. Like me, she is in love with bird motifs, but unlike me she is actually skilled in making them work for her in ten million different ways. She is also bold enough to experiment with all sorts of creation--from crochet, to sewing, to getting out that glue gun and pasting things to other things. If only my crafts could come out looking half as decent! Two thumbs up to Thimble!

Alright, kids, it's almost 11:30am, and I really want to go see my horse today. What horse, you ask? Well , his name is Pedro, and though I'm sure he isn't sorry that I haven't seen him in a few days, I am extremely sorry and have a need to go brush on his yak-like orange winter coat. Ta-ta for now!

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