Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Welcome to CHICKEN WEEK!!!!

Basically what is happening is I made an entire roast chicken on Sunday...a 3.9 pounder from Honey Hill Farm. If you have never tried an organic, grass fed, free range chicken, you are missing out. It tastes like CHICKEN....I mean, like the chicken taste you could only ever dream of. Anyways, I made it.

I stuffed it with some of this mystery squash:

(what is this thing????who cares, it tastes good....)
 ...along with some chopped garlic, carrots, and scallions sauteed in butter. I tied the little legs together and rested it upon a bed of roughly chopped onion slices. I brushed it with a mixture of mustard, olive oil, tarragon vinegar, salt, more garlic, and basil. I baked it until my thermometer said  170. I took it out and drained the juices, strained the onions and bits and poured off the fat, and added lemon juice. I used this as a salad dressing. mmmmm!

Lucky I am so crafty, huh? This week is all about you, the low-on-pocket-change messy chef in training, who has all this chicken and knoweth not what to do. I will make one new chicken recipe with my leftovers each day, finishing off THE ENTIRE bird....carcass and all. :) You won't get tired of it, I promise.

Onwards and upwards!

DAY ONE, MONDAY:  Chicken Salad Sandwiches for lunch!

1. Pick the meat off of the carcass of the chicken, what is left after you've carved it up. Should look like this. 
2. Add some mayonnaise. This is my favorite brand because it still has the "tang" of fresh mayo. Of course, if you want to be fancy, make your own, by all means. Not that I have ever been successful with that, but go ahead. That is another entry in the making, I guess.... hmm..

3. Add some fruit. Some people like apples, others grapes. I had asian pears. Whatever you like. You can chop up celery too. Not a fruit...still awesome.
4. So now you chop the solid bits up as fine as you like them, and mix them together with some mayo. Add slowly, because you don't want to overdo it and drown out the delicious flavors that mix when chicken and fruit come together as one. :) say it with me: "ommmmmm.....ommmmmm....nomnomnomnom!"

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