Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Messy Chef Reaches more turning points.

Oh, blog.
How lax I've been about keeping you updated! But, I swear all that will change. It's late tonight, and I'm here on my boyfriend's couch correcting my kid brother's essay on Athena, thinking about my life and the crazy turns it's taken since I last wrote about my job, only one short post ago. Lots of things have happened.

1. I finished my internship with Partners + Napier.
This was the most incredible work experience of my life, thus far. I really got a good grip on what the advertising agency is like, and especially if I had a role in it. I do. I was meant to be an account planner all my life--I can feel it. Basically, the person who finds out what makes consumers tick, and then gets to explain it to everyone else. How fun is that??? I got to write creative briefs (basically boiling my research and cool insights down to simple sentences that can represent a whole campaign or brand), do a ton of research, take interview videos, brainstorm the hell out of things, and work with 9 other brilliant, funny, sweet, and wonderful interns who I am sure will be my dear friends for as long as I'm alive.
It wasn't just an internship. It's a family of creative ideamakers.

2. I broke up with my SO.
...yeah, it happened. I was really torn up about it for a while, and it's not really my policy to talk about personal stuff on my blog, so I'll just put it this way: it has all been very, very good for me. I learned that I am my own person; I am independent, strong, cool, and very capable of making myself happy; I am beautiful and wanted; I should enjoy the little things in my life; I am very special and I deserve someone very special! Well all that is great, because the minute I stopped trying to ignore my need to grow up by filling it with a boyfriend, any boyfriend...

3. I met the most amazing man in the world.
What can I say? This speaks for itself.

4. I got ready to graduate.
AHHH!!! It'll be academically over after this summer folks, so get ready.

Just get ready.

More soon. ;)